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What is Medical Logistics?

Physicians, nurses, 其他医疗保健专业人员依靠医疗物流来确保在需要时可以获得供应. Patients require medications, supplies, and equipment, 这就是为什么医疗物流会源源不断地提供这些物资,这样医疗设施就不会没有这些物资了.

医疗物流也适用于医疗保健提供者使用的用品和设备的制造商. 这些公司每天都在设计、制造、包装和运输医疗相关产品. To be able to maintain this supply chain seamlessly, 他们依靠医疗物流合作伙伴来储存和运输零件和成品. 

创建一个良好的供应链需要将这些资源从起点连接到终点. 这些资源的有效性、成本和质量在很大程度上取决于医疗后勤. For this reason, finding a trustworthy medical logistics partner is paramount.

medical logistics

The Healthcare Supply Chain

大多数美国人不知道医疗保健供应链的各个组成部分,这些组成部分使患者能够保持健康并接受必要的治疗. Before arriving at one of the 6,090 hospitals or more than 67,000 pharmacies in the United States, 药品和其他保健用品在离开生产者后必须经过许多设施. 通过供应链转移的大量货物和药品加剧了这种复杂性. 

The healthcare supply chain has many pieces, including pharmacies and medical facilities, medical manufacturers, and logistics partners. 制造商和分销商对医疗保健供应链至关重要. 

供应链的第一个环节和基本药物和医疗设备的来源是制造商. 医疗保健供应链中的第二个环节是分销商. 经销商在全国各地的关键地点小心地维护库存,以确保在需要时可以使用. At every point in the supply chain, 与医疗物流供应商的合作有助于确保将医疗用品运送到目的地.

Handling Medical Supplies and Equipment

确保医疗设备和用品完好无损地按时到达, specialized shipping methods must be used.  While those objectives are the same regardless of the load, 当涉及到医疗物流时,需要记住一些考虑因素. Four crucial factors include:

Tracking and Insurance


Humidity and Temperature Sensitivity

In the medical world, 所使用的技术或材料将影响货物的运输和储存方式. Maintaining a constant temperature, humidity level, or sometimes both may be required to prevent damage. 为了解决这个问题,医疗物流计划可能需要冷藏运输.

Handling Hazardous Materials

医疗器械、用品和设备通常含有化学物质或其他有害物质. It is vital that this is considered, 而且这类货物总是用经过批准的集装箱运输.

Shipping and Packaging

Many types of medical equipment are extremely complicated devices, 因此,包装它们需要一种精确的方法来防止即使是最小的损坏. 当涉及到其他医疗产品,特别是消耗品时,必须考虑同样的护理. 这将允许不仅避免损坏的产品和设备,而且安全,成功的交付.

Medical Logistics for Pharmaceuticals

在处理药品时,需要特别考虑医疗物流供应链. 药品在处理时需要与任何其他医疗设备或医疗器械一样的小心和精确. 事实上,因为药品是人类消费的,所以它们需要更多的关注.

从事医疗物流的公司必须遵守每一条规则和最佳实践,以确保没有问题. Whether the materials in question are raw or refined, 保持这些成分的纯度和稳定性是必要的.

重要的是要记住,病人希望保证他们的处方在运输过程中没有被篡改. 这适用于形成最终产品的单个成分. With the ever-increasing concerns about the source, accessibility, safety, quality, and cost of medications, 能够在您的医疗物流供应链中提供端到端的安全性是必不可少的.

Solving Your Medical Logistics Dilemma

随着美国人预期寿命的延长,不断增长和老龄化的美国人口将需要更多的医疗服务. 病人将需要更多的药物,尤其是特殊药物. The need for home deliveries and treatments will increase. 由于这些变化,医疗保健物流将面临额外的挑战.

From 24% of global pharmacy spending in 2013 to 36% in 2019, specialty medications have clearly increased. 到2024年,这一比例预计将增加到40%,在发达地区将增加到52%. These are expensive, sophisticated treatments that frequently address rare conditions; many of them also have particular handling needs. For example, they may require refrigeration, enhanced security, overnight delivery, and more precise tracking. 医疗器械和设备制造商也面临着类似的挑战.

The medical sector is being transformed by many developments, not the least of which is patient behavior. Pharmaceuticals, OTC drugs, 由于价格竞争和多渠道需求,医疗用品将变得更加消费化. 护理将集中在当地,并转移到更实用、更便宜的地方. This places new challenges in the laps of medical manufacturers.

这就是值得信赖的医疗物流合作伙伴真正发挥作用的地方. With fleets of trucks, extensive partner networks, and vast storage warehouses, 一家经验丰富的医疗物流公司正在不断成为一个复杂系统中的关键一环. 

确保您的医疗供应链中没有缺口需要可靠性和一致性. That is where logistics and medical warehousing companies excel. With the help of a trusted logistics partner, 您的供应链将有一切到位,以确保结果. 通过与已建立系统的成熟医疗物流供应商合作, you can focus your attention on other more pressing matters. Allow Murphy Logistics to show why we are the go-to warehousing and logistics partner for so many medical manufacturers throughout the county.