
What is the Meaning of 食物 物流?

什么是食品物流? In truth, it is so much more than most people realize.

Specialized logistics services are unique within the supply chain for many different industries with food logistics being one of the most important in the world. 食物 and food ingredients must make their way to many different locations throughout their life cycle. From harvesting to processing to manufacturing and distributing, food can have an even longer logistics life cycle than many other consumer goods.


Not all food can be handled the same way. 食物 logistics involves safe processes in order to maintain food safety, security, and efficiency. Here are some of the details for different types of food.


食物 ingredients can be a number of different items that go into food at a manufacturing plant. 这些可以散装供应, in large packages such as totes or super-sacks, or they can be bagged or boxed by weight. 食物 ingredients make up the largest part of food logistics and are shipped worldwide and throughout the country to be manufactured into a finished product.


Finished food goods are packaged and ready to be delivered to a restaurant, shipped to a grocery or retail store, or sent directly to a consumer. Transportation can include being shipped from the manufacturing plant to a storage facility or from a storage facility to its final delivery point. For the storage of finished foods, food safety is a top priority as the food is considered ready for consumption and therefore requires precise temperature and humidity control.


Organic food can be fresh, processed, or packaged. The main thing is that it must not contain any prohibited substances such as pesticides or preservatives. Organic food requires a very specific set of rules and certifications for transportation and storage. While these foods do not need to be completely separated from other non-organic foods, there are important procedures that must be followed in order to prevent cross-contamination.


Fresh food typically moves from being harvested to a retail setting (stores or restaurants) very quickly with little time in transit or storage. 如果储存新鲜食品, there are typically extra processes in place to ensure food safety throughout the supply chain.

Cold Storage and Cold 食物 物流

Cold food can be either refrigerated or frozen. These foods must stay cold throughout the transportation and storage process. Keeping the cold chain intact is a top priority, and therefore they must be tracked with shipments and throughout the storage environment. Specialized trailers called “reefers” can either keep food refrigerated or frozen while in transit.

食物 物流认证

It is important to perform your own audit and carefully choose your logistics partner. 食物 certifications are the most important and efficient way to vet a potential logistics provider to help your team. The certification process requires rigorous audits, 食物安全计划, 继续维护, and a team of experts to ensure food safety.

食物 certifications can include Safe Quality 食物 (SQF), FDA /美国农业部认证, organic handlers certificates, ISO, 和OSHA选项. While there are other niche certifications, these cover most food logistics operations. SQF is one of the most comprehensive certifications in the industry and covers everything from manufacturing to storage.

See 墨菲’s food certifications here: http://aurwdj.nohuwin.net/about/certifications/

Why So Many Trust 墨菲 For 食物 物流

Think about all of the different types of food you see in grocery stores and restaurants. All of that food must be transported, stored, and distributed throughout the world. 食物 logistics and the food supply chain are one of the single most important industries in the world.

If you work with food and food ingredients and are looking for a logistics provider with the expertise and certifications, reach out to 墨菲 today. Our team of food logistics experts are ready to answer your questions and develop a custom food logistics strategy that works for your needs. Give our team the chance to prove why so many companies that work in the food industry count on 墨菲 for safe, reliable food logistics that exceed all standards.